clean your room

How often should you clean your room?


To prevent them from making the law in your bedroom (particularly to the detriment of your respiratory tract and your skin), it is important to clean it regularly. Yes, but: how often should you clean your room? The answer just below!

How often should you clean your room?

For your room to be as hygienic as possible, it is important to air it at least 5-10 minutes a day; every day, whatever the season  ! This is simply essential to renew the air and maintain a healthy environment.

Also remember to shake your duvet and your sheet well to dislodge the dust mites that have come to nest in your bed linen.

it is recommended to make your bed after the room has been aired and the sheets have been shaken out!

How often should the room be dusted?

If you have furnished your bedroom with nice dressers, a dressing table, bedside tables and the like, know that it is important to dust them once a week to prevent too much dust from accumulating on them… which could result in respiratory problems.To do this, use a microfiber cloth (which will trap the dust) rather than a feather duster (which will move the dust from your furniture to the floor).

How often should you wash your bedroom floor?

In a bedroom, we are often barefoot. So in order not to find yourself with dirty feet as soon as you walk on the floor of your bedroom, remember to vacuum it at least once a week  : goodbye to dirt, allergens and other fine particles!

Once your little vacuuming is finished, continue with the mop  : this will allow you to get rid of the bacteria that you bring back into your room when you walk around barefoot, in socks or shoes.

How often should you clean the carpets in your bedroom?

Having a soft and fluffy rug in your bedroom is good. But to prevent it from turning into a nest of dust and bacteria, we must not forget:

Shake out your bedroom rug every week . Admittedly, it’s a little restrictive, but when you see the cloud of dust, particles, crumbs, hair and others that will escape, you’ll say to yourself that it was really worth it!

To clean your carpet with a steam broom or a classic steam cleaner every three months: ideal for removing any stains, but also for deep cleaning the carpet without damaging it.

How often should you clean your mattress?

A real collector (in spite of itself of course) of dust mites, microbes, perspiration, dust and others, the mattress in a bedroom must absolutely be cleaned regularly to ensure you have a respectable sleep in terms of health. To do this, you must:

Vacuum it at least once a month . Do not hesitate to sprinkle baking soda on it beforehand: unstoppable for removing bad odors!

Thoroughly clean your mattress twice a year  : pour a few drops of dishwashing liquid in white vinegar, rub your mattress with a sponge, let it dry well, then put your bed linen back on.

Also remember to turn your mattress over every 3 months to prevent it from wearing out too quickly.

How often should you wash and change your bed linen?

As far as the bed linen in the bedroom is concerned, the rule is simple: it must be changed and put in the washing machine every 2 weeks – or even every week if you have a restless sleep (understand: if you sweat a lot during the night). To eliminate bacteria and recover clean sheets, always wash your bed linen at 60°C.

How often should duvets and pillows be washed?

Since duvets and pillows are “protected” by bed linen, they obviously need to be washed less frequently than sheets and duvet covers. Anyway, even if you have opted for “anti-mite” models, be aware that:

The pillows must go through the machine every three months – every 6 months at the most;

Duvets and duvets can be washed at least once a year.

For the program, once again, do not go below 60°C. Your skin and your respiratory tract will only be better off!

How often should you wash your bedroom curtains?

Because they love to collect dust and volatile particles that wander around the room, bedroom curtains should not be forgotten when cleaning the room. So remember to put them in the washing machine twice a year , when the season changes for example.